out the windows I see changes in nature taking place before my eyes. To my surprise a large cluster of daffodils
emerged outside our backyard fence in a place we never planted them. How in the world did they get there?
Thanks for joining us on
Daily Favor Blog.
flowers around to put them before our eyes is a simple reminder that “Yes,
Virginia, there is a God.” It doesn’t
matter what form He used to transplant those bulbs. Whether it was through the birds, ground
critters, rain, flood waters or the wind, they were moved. Jehovah showed us that He is the Creator of
all things Who does what He wants, where and when.
you realize that if God didn’t reveal Himself to us, we couldn’t know Him or His love? We would be without hope if God never showed
Himself in some way even through tiny bulbs. I think that it’s pretty amazing
all the ways He does this don’t you agree?
creation demonstrates His Divine Being, power and awesomeness. Springtime is a
fantastic reminder of how marvelous He really is. Watching the world change by the work of our
hands through technology is one thing, but it doesn’t compare to what Almighty God
does each and every day through us let alone nature.
the Wind Blows
agree with Agur the author of Proverbs 30 when he wrote there are things in
this world that are too amazing for me to comprehend. How and why God uses things for His glory is
beyond anything I could imagine. I live
in a constant state of wonder and awe of a God that controls everything as in the
wind with mighty power. (Proverbs 30:18)
at times they are not visible to us, the sun, moon and stars are present –
always! Watching a cloud roll by proves
there is wind – air and oxygen is constant to keep all creation alive. There’s nothing to see, but the evidence of
its existence is demonstrated through the results of its presence.
witness to this by the amounts of trash that blows into the yard from the back
streets behind our house. Couldn’t the
angels direct it somewhere else instead, and why is it debris from things I
don’t eat, drink or use? Why doesn’t
something useful like a fresh hundred-dollar bill get stuck in the fence
instead of a stinky diaper, plastic bags or greasy hamburger wrapper?
to what I think about the situation, the Spirit of God is moving all around us
in ways and for reasons that only He understands.
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it,
but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.
So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8 NKJV)
wonderful that we get to witness His love, grace and mercy by favoring us with
beautiful things such as “misplaced” daffodils. What else can we expect from our God of
a line from a song I sing that clarifies what I believe:
the wind blows, God is moving.
the wind blows, God is there.
there’s a breeze hope is alive
On wings
of love He will arrive,
the wind blows.”
we witness such majesty, how can we deny that there must be a Higher Creative Power than
our own? We can’t, because the evidence
simply won’t let us!
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"O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
You have set Your glory above the Heavens." (Psalm 8:1)
If this article has encouraged or helped you, please consider sharing it by using the social media icons provided at the end of this post.
Until next time, God's favor is in the wind!
Go deeper in study by reading more about Spring Favor and my Life in God's Garden series - where favor began!
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Visit Fay aka Favored1 on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Articles.
Maybe you don’t know the Living God that I know
but would like to have this kind of favor in your life also. Click
on the above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for more information
on becoming a child of the Savior.
Note: Emphasis may be given in some scriptures to show clarity or understanding and is not to take away from the inspirited Word of God.
used, the words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we
give him no place in our lives.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues but is geared toward spiritual awareness.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Disclaimer Notes: Results may
vary due to lack of belief.
Unless noted, scripture reference
in series was taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Gateway.
Image credit: Creative Common License if not
specified. Daffodils Man Cloud Psalm 8:1
Wherever the Wind Blows,
Salvation, Favor, Favored1, Daily Favor Blog, Creation, Praise, Thanks,
God's Promises, Promises of God. Holy Spirit, Power, Daffodils, Loving Spring Favor
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