up I always wanted a “true blue” best friend. That person is
unwavering, reliable, loyal and who stays committed through thick or thin.
know the kind of friend that you can tell everything to, who always agrees with
you, and is forever on your side no matter what the situation. Well … that
never happened – the perfect friendship so to speak.
I had lots of friends (and still do), a few good buds and even a
best-bestie "bff". However, over the years they changed for some reason or
another, drifting in and out of my life.
it was them, other times it was me. Most often it was merely life’s
circumstances that altered the relationships I had throughout the
years. For a while I started getting a complex when people moved and
never told me! After three or four times you start to wonder,
right? Hmmm … was it really me?
not one of them stayed close or ever agreed with everything I said or did,
except for my life partner hubby. He doesn’t go along with me 100%
of the time, although he pretty much does for the most part as I do with
It may be disheartening, but it's true for the majority of people. Basically, friendships change, usually due to circumstances, values or beliefs.
there’s only one individual that has walked with me even in times when He
hasn’t agreed with my decisions. That person is Jesus Christ, and our relationship began after I chose to take Him as my Lord and Savior. In prayer I confessed my sin and repented asking for His forgiveness.
I didn't know a lick about blessings, covenants or favor for that matter. All I knew is that I didn't want to go to hell and be apart from God forever.
you’re a sinner isn’t easy, but the reality of it is eye opening and causes you
to want to live a more peaceful life. Since then, the benefits of
walking with God have increased as I’ve learned about covenant blessings, He
made to those who want to fellowship with Him. It’s pretty amazing!
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of Favor
you are not familiar with what a covenant is, it’s basically an agreement
between two parties, individuals or groups of people. There are all
kinds of covenants – both good and bad, depending on the terms of agreement(s)
or oaths made during the time of its origin.
think of it as a contract of sorts like in signing something for financial
purposes, where there is an agreement of lending money for a certain item.
In some way that’s correct, only with God it’s much more!
is to our benefit that we learn about the Word of God through Godly examples who
actually made His promises part of their lives. They faithfully
(obediently) lived what they learned and walked in the favor blessings promised
to those who believe.
see, God loves us so much that it is His desire to show mercy and favor on those
who put their hope, trust and faith in Him no matter the
situation. He even invites us to seek His face so that we can
receive such favor through His covenant blessings.
Bible describes several individuals who did exactly that, and God granted each
of their requests. Let me show you what I mean where covenants of
favor were given and how (or if) they relate to us today.
the Messenger of Hell or Hope
was a prophet of God in the Old Testament scriptures of the
Bible. He tells of a time when he was about to lose his life for
preaching the truth about sinful lifestyles. The entire situation
didn’t look good for the nation – truth is … much like what we’re facing today!
the time he was born, Jeremiah was set apart by God to deliver a message to
Judah. It wasn’t one that would be easy to deliver, and would
include a strong warning against the behavior of the nation.
is what Jehovah said to him: “Behold, I have
put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and
over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down,
to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9-10)
grew up during a time when God’s covenant was being restored under King
Solomon. He witnessed the tearing down of pagan houses of worship,
large altars, pillars, statues and images that exalted false gods over the true
God, Jehovah.
any of this sound familiar in comparison to what is happening in our society
today? What have you been witnessing in your neighborhood, city and
he grew in favor, for a time there was a revival of faith and turning back to
the Lord through Jeremiah’s preaching about the covenant of
God. However, through the changes of rulers over the years, the
people turned away from the Lord as in the past continually doing evil and
worshipping false gods.
This man of God knew his message would not be received with open arms of affection, but could possibly cost him his life. What the Lord revealed to Jeremiah would tearfully burn in his heart as he prayed daily, and until the time came to deliver the message to the people.
God will ask us to do hard things, and such was the case with Jeremiah. The
difference here is that the prophet had a covenant promise that would see him
through every obstacle he would encounter.
was the Lord who chose Jeremiah to warn the nation to repent of their wicked
acts of sin in order to avoid a judgment that would surely come upon the entire
nation. The people had broken their covenant with God and persisted in
their sins committing unlawful acts, unkindness, lewd behavior. They were prideful in the
way they oppressed or persecuted foreigners, widows, children and the humble.
they did not repent of their sins, God was explicit in saying what would
happen. His blessings and hand of favor would be lifted off them and
their land. They would face famine, starvation, looting and their
entire nation would be destroyed by invaders. Their life would be a "living hell" that would lead to an eternal life in hell and apart from Him forever!
we not seeing history being repeated? Hasn’t God given us warning of
a coming disaster if we do not turn back to Him?
people did not repent as God said, so destruction came upon those who walked
away from their relationship with the Lord. As in the days of
Jeremiah, we too are witnessing the destruction of nations and are under siege
of evil where believers are persecuted for preaching the message of salvation,
repentance and doing good.
now Jeremiah was sought out as a criminal even among ungodly priests who wanted
him beaten and thrown into prison. Through pressure the king
approved of the arrest for his spreading news of an impending disaster over the
people and land.
his apprehension they lowered Jeremiah into the bottom of a muddy cistern with
the intent that he would starve to death. When word got out about
what happened, another court official pleaded with the king for permission to
rescue the prophet.
Is Hope

in the bottom of a pit the words God spoke to Jeremiah remained in his
heart. He remembered the promise of God to save, deliver and be with
him to finish the task, and boldly speak out without being afraid of the people
coming against him. God gave him the strength needed to withstand
the persecution and a promise that he would not fail.
“I will make you to this people a fortified bronze wall; and they
will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you; for I am with
you to save you and deliver you.” (Jeremiah 15:20-21)
message God spoke through Jeremiah is the same that is being spoken to those
who still believe and walk in the covenant blessings of God – repent and return
to God! Judgement is coming but there is still hope!
tell us that no one escapes punishment of sin. The payment for
breaking laws has a penalty called death; it could be physical, spiritual or
“For the wages (payment penalty) of sin is death, but the gift of
God (hope) is eternal life through believing in Jesus Christ our Lord who saves.” (from Romans 3:23)
is where the encouraging message of hope Jeremiah spoke of comes into the
covenant of those who turn back to the Lord. The only way to avoid
punishment is through asking God to forgive the sins we have committed against
wanted Jeremiah to make sure that the people knew He would not destroy them,
but was willing to bless them with favor and spare the nation IF they repented
of their sins. He gave them a way out of being judged or destroyed
and being overtaken!
“The instant I speak concerning a nation (any nation) and concerning
a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against
whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I
thought to bring upon it.”
“God also speaks of the consequences for those that do not listen to
His Words about repenting and turning back to worshipping Him alone.
“The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom,
to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey
My voice, then I will relent concerning the good (favor and blessings) with
which I said would benefit it.” (Jeremiah 18:7-10)
Message for Today
prophet’s message that was given thousands of years ago is still being given
today, because the covenant blessings of God are still in
effect. God’s mercy and favor never end,
but His blessings will for those who break covenant and fellowship with Him.
“Sing to the LORD, all you godly ones! Praise His Holy
name. For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a
lifetime! (Psalm 30:4 NLT)
long as the earth remains God will send people to spread the message of
repentance of sin through salvation. He will always have messengers
of hope because He is a loving, merciful, longsuffering God who longs to bless
people with the benefits that come with favoring Him over all people, places or
who walk away from His blessings are literally asking God to correct, punish
and discipline them because they love remaining in their sin. Do you
not realize that from before you were born God’s plans for you were to give you
a peaceful life void of evil and a great future full of hope? There
is only one thing standing in the way of that promise and blessing – sin.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the
LORD. Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a
hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will
listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for
Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
also promises that if any person has a desire to know Him and walk in a loyal
relationship of fellowship with Him, He will give them a heart to know Him. He
will reveal Himself to that person and be in favored covenant with them.
(Jeremiah 24:7)
Overcomes Evil
looked as if everyone, including the religious leaders had turned against
Jeremiah. That may have been the fact, but Jeremiah remembered his
“true blue” relationship with the God who destroys the facts of man with Truth
in His promised blessings.
had One person who remained faithful to His covenant partner – Jehovah, Jesus
Christ – the One True God.
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a
friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24)
the end of that horrific time and persecution, Jeremiah’s life was spared as a result of favor
from God and mankind. His faith in God and obedience to the Lord in covenant
was what saved his life, despite the evil that was going on around him. During a time of crisis he fulfilled his call to help save Israel from total destruction.
“Did King Hezekiah of Judah and all the people of Judah put him
(Jeremiah) to death? Did not the king fear the LORD and plead for
the LORD’s favor, and did not the LORD relent concerning the disaster He had
pronounced against them?
We are about to bring a terrible disaster on ourselves (about to
commit a huge mistake that will cost us our lives!)” (Jeremiah 26:19 CSB; the
entire chapter tells the full account)
Rest of the Message
we compare this to our current circumstances, how many have lost their lives
recently because of sickness or persecution, and are even questioning their own
faith because they’re looking at the world and not to a
Savior? There is great sin happening and God isn’t oblivious to
in the days of Jeremiah, we are witnessing the destruction of people and
nations fall right before our eyes. Civilizations have turned from
God and seek after evil, looking for ways to harm, kill and destroy anyone and
anything in their path not realizing that they are being led by satan himself.
“A thief has only one thing (malicious intent) in mind – he wants to
steal, slaughter (kill) and destroy (you). But I (Jesus) have come
to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect – life in its
fullness until you overflow (with blessings). (John 10:10 TPT emphasis mine)
will come to those who do not seek God’s grace (favor) in forgiveness and
repent (turn from their sin). This isn’t what God wants; remember He also said
something else.
have not forgotten the rest of the message God gave to Jeremiah … the message
of hope.
you are doing destructive behavior or causing harm in any way, it isn't God giving you direction or of
Him. You are being deceived by the enemy who wants to destroy the
good plans God has for you. Plans to give you a peaceful future and
a good life. (Jeremiah 29:11)
of what’s happening in your life right now or what you have done, look to the
only friend that will not turn His back on you – Jesus
Christ. Through His covenant of salvation, He will be with you and
provide the strength to fight any situation so that you will not fail.
Son, Jesus, will save, deliver and be with you always until the
end. This is His covenant promise of blessing and favor to those who share the gospel message of repentance with boldness.
"Go, therefore and make disciples of the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe (obey) all the things I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen." (Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV)
This is a covenant between "true friends" that God honors. It’s His blessing promise of favor and the hope found only in the
benefits of walking in close fellowship with Him.
Until next time, walk in covenant favor!
“Covenant fellowship has benefits of favor.”
- Jesus Christ
Continue reading part 2 here.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
Disclaimer: Article information is not meant to be used as treatment for mental or physical issues, but geared toward spiritual awareness.
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Content and Image
Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Scripture reference was
taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Bible Hub.
*Unless noted, the
names in articles are changed to protect the individual(s) privacy.
Note: When used, the
words satan or devil are not capitalized deliberately, because we give him no
place in our lives.
Image credit: BFF Covenant Jeremiah 15 Prophet of Crisis Google Images and Quotes are Creative Common License
if not specified.
Labels: Daily Favor
Blog, Favored1, Favor, Weekly Challenge, The Benefits of Walking with God,
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Messenger, Prophet, Faith, Covenant Blessed in Walking with God