not an unusual thing for me to think about my parents throughout the day,
particularly my mother. There was a time
that I was embarrassed to be seen with her.
Can you believe that?
You remember those don’t you? Places your parents would drag you to while you waited in the car for an hour believing that she would be right out like she said.
How about the times you sat quietly in the living room so you wouldn’t overhear the conversation that was going on in the kitchen? You know you heard every word, but never confessed it to her.
Then there's that "older couple" she visited where you balanced a cup of tea on your lap while holding a piece of cake on a napkin in your other hand. You listened as the gentleman played the piano, while his wife proudly showed off photographs of her family from the last 50 years.
Sometimes Mom would make her fabulous roast with all the trimmings, and then we would take it to someone else while we ate fish sticks for dinner. What was that all about?

Everywhere my Mom went she made friends, so when she was invited to a special event at another church mother would go if possible.
Several times I can remember tagging along (by her request) to an all-night prayer meeting service, because my Dad didn’t want her driving at night by herself. You could say they were like prayer fests, with ladies of faith united under one roof to blast through it with their declarations over the works of the devil.
However, her trust was in God and my mother’s relationship with Jesus got stronger. During her time of learning to lean on the Lord, she wrote what I believe is her most loved song.
God had visited her with the gift of salvation, and it was a message she would impart to others. The psalmist said it best in this passage of scripture.
“Someone walks beside me every day.”
Happy Birthday Mom ...
By the way ... love the shoes!
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As a
teen I would walk way behind Mom so no one could tell we were together. She had skinny legs and would wear short tight
leggings with her ankles exposed. Her over sized
shoes, oh those black flat shoes … and don’t get me started on her strands of
wild curled hair that would bounce as I followed behind. Fashion statement, I don’t think so.
is Mom’s birthday (November 8th) and with that in mind I’d like to
share a little of our walk together.
I have discovered is that her so called “unfashionable” wardrobe has somehow gravitated
to my closet. Even worse, flat black shoes
are the staple of my attire. What would
she think if she were to walk along side me right now? Would she want to pretend she didn’t know me?
She Called it “Visitation”
don’t know why, but I seemed to be the one that my mother took with her on
outings, or as Baptist’s say visitation. You remember those don’t you? Places your parents would drag you to while you waited in the car for an hour believing that she would be right out like she said.
How about the times you sat quietly in the living room so you wouldn’t overhear the conversation that was going on in the kitchen? You know you heard every word, but never confessed it to her.
Then there's that "older couple" she visited where you balanced a cup of tea on your lap while holding a piece of cake on a napkin in your other hand. You listened as the gentleman played the piano, while his wife proudly showed off photographs of her family from the last 50 years.
husband and I were discussing this recently. The only thing I could come up
with is that I was on split sessions in high school, so there wasn’t anyone
else available for visiting the sick, elderly, lonely, depressed or widower. Unbeknownst
to me, it was like I was in prep school resigned to learn what would become my
future counseling career and ministry.
the course of my teen years I had many adventures with mother, some weren’t
always to places I really wanted to go. Protesting
in Washington against abortion was one of those times. What did I know then? Thinking
back, I would love to go on those outings with her one more time with a new
outlook on the situation.
did I realize that every time I went with Mom, she was planting seeds of
compassion, love, mercy and favor into everyone she encountered, while
demonstrating what it meant to be called the “Righteousness of God through
Christ Jesus.” We walked together, with
me by her side and she wasn’t embarrassed to call me her child. How about that?
Mom, who is that in our kitchen?

I was in eleventh and twelfth grades my classes were finished by noon and I
would get home around one o’clock. Many
times Mom would be sitting in the kitchen entertaining a guest.
Now these weren’t ordinary guests, but strangers ... sales
people who had come to do business with my parents. You never knew who would be sitting in those
chairs at the table. What you did know is that there would be food.
was usually unavailable, so my mother would take care of business matters and
then feed them as she shared the gospel.
I remember her telling with me why she would invite people to stay and
get a bite to eat.
When Mom
was a child, she said that her “fully French” mother would bake or always have
a pot of something cooking on the stove.
Nanny, as I called her, was ready for company at all times extending a
hand of compassion to anyone who graced her kitchen. This was a tradition that my mother carried
on and has passed down to her children (most of the time).
were times when a circle of friends would be gathered laughing and discussing
practically everything over the course of the afternoon.
I would stand behind the island counter
observing them as I grabbed some lunch. By then I wasn’t made to leave the room.
Each individual
sipped away at their piping hot coffee or tea.
A few would take that second piece of cake as they confessed, “I shouldn’t have this” and then placed
it on their plate. Nobody would reach
for the last piece of cake, pastry or few remaining cookies. Boy if I could grab something before she gave it away. It was if she wanted to remove the evidence from us.
they were about to leave, Mom would get up from the table and quickly pack some
of the remaining treats for her visitors to take home to their families. The things that “us” kids never got to
eat! Scrumptious pastries that come in a
box from Pfeffer’s bakery were a luxury we children didn’t get and seemed to be
reserved for the special individuals who gathered in our home on occasion.
that they take the goodies she tucked them in their arms as she walked alongside
them to the door.
Prayer Fests
mother loved people, and she didn’t focus on denomination when it came to
praying for families. Everywhere my Mom went she made friends, so when she was invited to a special event at another church mother would go if possible.
Several times I can remember tagging along (by her request) to an all-night prayer meeting service, because my Dad didn’t want her driving at night by herself. You could say they were like prayer fests, with ladies of faith united under one roof to blast through it with their declarations over the works of the devil.
services weren’t held at our church, but at other places of worship where
ladies would ask their friends to join them for a night of intercessory
prayer. It didn’t matter that most of
the time the ladies only knew the person they invited to join them. We would leave our church and go directly to
where the meeting was being held. By now
it was already 8:30 PM.
what I remember, it would start after a Sunday evening service (when there was
no school the next day) with everyone housed nicely in their pews dispersed around
the sanctuary of the church. Everyone
was praying aloud, but they were far enough apart so as not to disturb one
another. Over the course of a few hours you would see them making their way to
the front of the room to kneel at the altar.
Although it was quiet, you could hear their sobs as they wept before the
Lord over some situation emptying their all at the foot of the cross.
Mom never asked me to pray nor did she give instructions as to what I should do to keep myself entertained. Being
the middle of the night, I was sprawled out on a pew trying to get some
sleep. Every now and then I’d pop up to
see if they were done.
With dawn about
to break I arose to take note where everyone was. A few ladies had gone home, but the rest of
them were on their knees side-by-side in the front of the church. I was the only one in the room still in a pew.
Mom would often have her arm around another woman she did not know, praying as
she encouraged with Words of faith.
her way back to me, Mom would softly say, “It’s time to go”, and she walked
beside her praying buddies escorting them to their vehicles. How those ladies could pray for hours back
then amazed me ... now I do the same thing.
Tea with Me
I got married my steps with my mother became much closer, and even at times
side-by-side. It didn’t matter which day
it was, the routine was basically the same when my mother came for a visit.
best memories I have with her are sitting at my kitchen table. I’d ask Mom what she wanted to drink, and it
would almost always be hot tea. Being
able to serve her made me feel good.
the cup on the table she would hold the tea tag and bob the bag up and down two
times. We would tease her about how
waving it over the cup would give her the same results. The color was so pale it almost looked like
plain water. Using her spoon, she would
pick up the wet bag and wrap the string around the end before placing it on the
side of her saucer. No sugar or milk,
just a little lemon once in a while.
hours we’d share stories, ideas and the Bible over our tea and a sampling of
desserts. Of course we both said we
didn’t need it as we smiled at one another placing “just a small ... no smaller ... half of that ... that's good” piece on the plate.
There were a few times when I convinced her to have lunch or dinner with
us when Dad was away. Those were even
more special, and she loved spending time talking to my husband. (Secretly, I
think she liked him better.)
on her black flats that she left at our door upon entering the house, we
continued our conversation as she was leaving.
No more did I walk behind her, but beside my mother as she made her way
to the car.
in the driveway I watched as she turned onto the highway and disappeared down
the road. When it was dark she would
flash her headlights as a gesture of “see
you later.” She was always concerned about hitting the mailbox, so she drove really slow until she reached the end of the street. Each time she left it
got more difficult to stay silent; funny … praying was all I could do.
The Favor of Salvation
wish I could report that my mother received the same favor from others that she
showed to them in her lifetime, but that wasn’t the case. However, her trust was in God and my mother’s relationship with Jesus got stronger. During her time of learning to lean on the Lord, she wrote what I believe is her most loved song.
God had visited her with the gift of salvation, and it was a message she would impart to others. The psalmist said it best in this passage of scripture.
“Remember me, O Lord, with the favor You have
toward Your people. Oh, visit me with Your salvation. (Psalm 106:4 NKJV)
mother came to the realization of the favor one receives when walking beside Jesus
as He did with her, and that's why she sang, “Someone walks beside me every day.” God had given her salvation and forgiveness as He did with anyone who would ask for it; she now abides in the favor of the Lord as His child.
The Final Walk
with Mom became something I was proud of and cherished. In her wisdom she knew
that this time would come and continued to walk with me through the entire
With curls in my hair gathered by satin ribbons and shabby flat black shoes, somewhere in time I became this middle aged lady who amazingly resembles my mom (without the leggings naturally).
last time I was with my mother was no different than any other time when we
were leaving her home … she walked alongside me as I made my way to our
van. With long hugs and “I love you” she
waved as we made our way onto the highway that was beyond the gate. Both my parents beckoned for us to stay a little while longer; only that we had. We didn’t know that it would be our final walk
together here on earth.
declaration of the faithfulness of Jesus will always be the mainstay of her
story. Knowing that “Someone” who is
Jesus, walks beside us is the Daily Favor we all long to have. She understood that!
If my
mother were here right now, she would invite you over for tea, pastries
and fellowship. While walking alongside Mom would compel you to return, leaving the door open for you to accept her invitation. Before you left, you
would be toting the left over sweets and glancing back at her face as she
watched you leave the driveway.
words of my mother are now fulfilled as she used to sing, “and I walk with Him above.” Jesus
literally walks beside her every day, and forever she dwells in the House of
the Lord because of His mercy (unmerited favor).
will never be embarrassed to walk alongside you, as I once was with my Mom. As a matter of fact, He loves it and longs for
that fellowship.
the last verse of her song “Someone Walks Beside Me”, Mom invites all who will
listen to walk with the Lord. Throughout
the course and pathways you take in this life, there is One who will never let
you walk alone. On behalf of my mother
in the words she once wrote:
“Won’t you take Him as your Savior today?
He wants you for His child right away.
His blood was shed on Calvary, to pardon you from sin.
Please be free,
come and see, just let the Savior in.” (Copyrighted)
Forever Walks
much love, gratitude and thankfulness to my Mom, I have that favor of salvation
she described in her message in song: “Someone walks beside me every day.”
time walking with Mom may have been but a few years, but we will have eternity
to share cups of tea, perfect sweets that can be eaten without guilt and
forever walking in Divine gardens with our Savior, Jesus.
I am
sure Mom is singing with joy this favorite hymn of hers, as she takes Heavenly
walks like none she has ever known.
JIM REEVES – In the Garden
songwriter C. Austin Miles wrote "In
the Garden" in a dark, cold basement in New Jersey that didn’t have
any windows, much less a garden. Like my
mom, this gentleman understood the walk with Jesus was for eternity. Read about it here.
Until next time, favor walks with you every day as God’s
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you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me About Jesus” for
more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from
Favored1. Do not copy.
Image credit if not listed by Google Images Creative Common License
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible Hub.
Image credit if not listed by Google Images Creative Common License
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Bible Hub.
Image Credit: Knocking Grandma Pastries Woman Praying Tea & Bible Psalm 106:4 Hugs Walk Beside Me Lord
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