It was an early Friday afternoon that Maria
had agreed to meet me for lunch. At that
time she was my closest friend and happened to be a teacher.
Eager to talk to my friend about some problems I was sure to get to the restaurant early. By the time Maria arrived I was already nestled in a booth with a cup of tea.
During my
study time throughout the week, I had to be extremely still to hear from the
Lord. I mean more so than usual, because
I was a little restless.
My Words, My Mouth
In order for me to quiet my spirit I need to purposely divert my attention. It’s easy for me to do this in teaching a class or with a client, but doing it myself takes work.
Focusing on God confirms how precious salvation is and the power of the cross. It shows that God cares for us when He answers prayers, delivers His children and bestows favor for faithfulness.
Sitting in that restaurant
that day didn’t solve my problem, but when I left there I realized it wasn’t as
big as I thought compared to all the stuff Maria was going through.
She didn’t have the answers either, but looked to me for guidance in her time of need. It wasn’t her intent to be rude or come across uncaring; she needed help right then and there.
Have you ever heard the song, “It’s all about me, Jesus?” No, of course you haven't. That’s not the way the song goes … "It's all about You, Jesus."
Our journey isn’t taking us to the cross, but beyond it – to the victory part of it. Jesus had to go to the cross to conquer it, and He did … that’s what we need to remember.
God allowed me to go through a type of Babylon so I could get to the Promised land. Mediating on the Word of God gave me the strength to make the journey once I took my focus off of “me” and surrendered to His ways.
Getting rid of selfish thoughts and feelings kept me going round and round, casting down imaginations from my mind. They weren’t all necessarily bad, but dwelling on “What about me?” interrupted my meditation on the Lord.
In my writing I often do reviews of things such as recipes. I make it a point to try them and formulate my
own recipe. There was one for pineapple
upside down cake that I saw on Facebook and wanted to try.
We had a
few choices: Go ask the neighbors if we
could use their oven, scrap the recipe (of course that wasn’t really an option)
or go buy something else.
My husband opted for the latter, but I told him we already had the largest one the store carried.
Next, as soon as your mind tries to focus on destructive thoughts, think of a verse that will counteract it with a promise of God’s. This is where your meditation comes into play. Only you know what you are dealing with, so you are the one who has to do the research to meditate on good things and not the negative.
However, if I redirected the mess that “me” made into “meditation” of the Word, there is always a message at the end of the mess.
That being, the mess – age will end. Isn’t that cool?
That doesn't mean I'm not important, but that God's way will get me to where I want to be and that will certainly make "me" happy.
We can see what satan is doing by the mess, but Jesus is Rock over all the ages!
Don’t forget God is doing the invisible that will soon be manifested if you stay in faith.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo by J.C.Penney, Inc.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Gateway Bible
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Woman What about me? Psalm 19:14 My Thoughts More of God Red Booth Good Things It's All about You, Jesus
Eager to talk to my friend about some problems I was sure to get to the restaurant early. By the time Maria arrived I was already nestled in a booth with a cup of tea.
We said our hellos and informal
chit-chat while waiting for the waitress.
A few minutes later our order was placed. Not wanting to waste time or beat around the
bush I started sharing my plight to my colleague.
Maria seemed a bit impatient, but that was her nature, so I didn’t give it
much thought.
Just as I was really getting into
my problem she leaned forward looking straight into my eyes, and with an open
palm, firmly slammed her hand on the table and said,
"Yeah, but what about me!
Welcome new friends this week
Chicago, Illinois (USA), China,
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Keep our friends in Russia and
the Ukraine in prayer this week as you pray for all the followers of Daily
Don’t miss out on this week’s challenge
(below). Q & A
What about you? What about me!
Frankly I was flabbergasted
and didn’t have a clue as to what she meant by her statement.
Maria knew I had asked her to lunch to discuss
a matter I needed to work out, but something more important to her was about
to be handed to me on a platter.
For the next hour I sat there listening to her story and we never
talked about my dilemma. When she was
done using me as a sounding board (and I’m OK with that), Maria popped out of
her seat and said she had to go.
To this day she never asked what I needed to talk about at that
luncheon, and I didn’t tell her either.
As a matter of fact, that lunch changed my life and I’m glad I never
finished what I set out to in my conversation with my teammate.
I was quite shy about speaking my peace back then … funny how time
changes that. There were several things
I learned about myself that day. The
first thing is that “me” was the focus of my life and I didn’t realize it.
Another thing I learned is that our conversation stirred up a gift the
Lord gave me that wasn’t cultivated. It
changed my career.
Our first Daffodil of the season! |
Last week’s "Language" lesson should have included a step of silence I
think, at least that’s what I learned. I
don’t know how things were with you, but spring fever is trying to bud in me
and I don’t want to do anything else.
My Words, My Mouth
In order for me to quiet my spirit I need to purposely divert my attention. It’s easy for me to do this in teaching a class or with a client, but doing it myself takes work.
I heard someone on the radio make mention of the verse Psalm 19:14 and
decided to look it up for myself. When
I read the Bible I ask God to give me revelation of what He wants me to know
about Him through that scripture and how it applies to me.
After reading it, I knew it was God who directed me to that scripture. He was trying to lead me into tying all the
things we’ve been studying together.
It’s a wonderful passage that helped me gain knowledge and wisdom for
the week. Let me share it with you and
see if you don’t feel the same way as I did.
“May the
words of my mouth and the mediation
of my heart be pleasing to you, O
LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (from Psalm 19:14 NLT)
My Words, My Heart
We can see that God wants us to know
Him and have a revelation of who He is through His Word. It comes to life here.
Do you realize that if God didn’t reveal
Himself to us in some way we couldn’t know Him. (from 3/14/14 post)
That’s why we have all creation demonstrating His Divine Being, power
and awesomeness. We would be without
hope if God never showed Himself in some way.Focusing on God confirms how precious salvation is and the power of the cross. It shows that God cares for us when He answers prayers, delivers His children and bestows favor for faithfulness.
His presence is always there, willing to help, save and set the captive
free. Oh how we need to praise God for
all He is and will always be yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV)
Getting to know Jesus requires that I make a
decision to let the “me” part, move behind God.
When I do that, Jesus becomes larger and my problems become very
small. The greater part that is in me,
Jesus, takes over and is able to work things out the way God intended. Peace comes as I wait for the goodness of the
Lord to prevail in my circumstance. (1 John 4:4 NKJV) Read (Ephesians 2:4, but read 1-10)
“For I
(God) know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace
and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)

She didn’t have the answers either, but looked to me for guidance in her time of need. It wasn’t her intent to be rude or come across uncaring; she needed help right then and there.
Seriously, isn’t it about me?
Have you ever heard the song, “It’s all about me, Jesus?” No, of course you haven't. That’s not the way the song goes … "It's all about You, Jesus."
Our journey isn’t taking us to the cross, but beyond it – to the victory part of it. Jesus had to go to the cross to conquer it, and He did … that’s what we need to remember.
God allowed me to go through a type of Babylon so I could get to the Promised land. Mediating on the Word of God gave me the strength to make the journey once I took my focus off of “me” and surrendered to His ways.
Getting rid of selfish thoughts and feelings kept me going round and round, casting down imaginations from my mind. They weren’t all necessarily bad, but dwelling on “What about me?” interrupted my meditation on the Lord.
I know some of you have been dealing with the same thing and even as
far as having awful nightmares and dreams.
Everything you are attempting to do in drawing close to God, satan is
trying to undo. We have to recognize
this and not give in to those thoughts and lies that will sweep us off the
pathway to purpose.
No one can have two thoughts at the same time, and trying to prepare
for this week’s post would bring me through the testing field. It always does if you really want to make
changes in your life. The main thing is to identify what they are early on so we don't get dragged into defeat by the devil.
Upside Down Thoughts
But I love my new pan! |
To make a long story short, I made my recipe and all was going well … that
is until I went to put the pan in the oven.
It didn’t fit. The larger muffin
tray was too big for my toaster oven.
Now you may think it strange, but being a vegetarian doesn’t call for a
lot of baking, so my oven is a large toaster oven. I don’t think I’ve ever been without one
The really ridiculous thing is that I measured my small toaster oven
and knew it wouldn’t fit, but didn’t give the larger one a thought at all. What was I going to do?
I'm not going to reveal the final product yet :) |
My husband opted for the latter, but I told him we already had the largest one the store carried.
I could feel tension trying to mount and surprised myself on how I
responded to the situation. No big deal,
it’s not going to cause me to focus on something else, like myself. (Remember I’d been practicing what I was
about to share with you.) You’d be surprised how quickly everything turns into
a “you” or should I say “me” thing.
It might not seem like a big issue, but could have been if I let it and
then that cake wouldn’t have been the only thing upside down. I had a choice to make and it needed to be
one that pleased God.
You see, the devil watches us get upset over the little things so when
the big things come we’re already out of sorts. He was waiting to see how I would react.
Although it took me a few extra hours, I started all over and made a
new creation. Actually, I think it was
the better solution anyway and would make preparing this in the future a bit
easier. (Don’t worry, I’ll get the recipe posted.)
Out of the first batch only two turned out looking nice, and we gave
one of them away. The messed up version
became a tester’s recipe where my husband took it to work for all to try. Come to think of it I never heard if they “liked
it” as in “it was good” or they “loved it” meaning we want this again! Hmm.
Say what? You need a lawyer!
Sure enough we came into a situation that stemmed back twenty plus years ago
over a legal item for a deceased relative.
It was a mess, but instead of getting upset we prayed and believed God’s
favor would shine on us to handle it.
Throughout the night I prayed and reminded God of His Word, along with
making a point that this was not our problem.
We were instructed to get a lawyer, but my husband insisted there was
no need for one. This was not a legal
matter, but simple paperwork that had already gone through
the courts. He went online and got information that satisfied everyone. God’s Word prevailed as He changed the hearts
of man to favor His child(ren).
What I’ve come to know
is that “What about me?” isn’t always wrong, but focusing on “me” is where I can get
off the path when it comes to following the Lord.
When we only think on self it keeps God’s favor from manifesting in our
lives. That is exactly the opposite of
what we want or need, so how do we stop it from happening?
This Week’s Challenge:
Move from me to meditation.
Scripture points out that if we are to gain ground in anything we have
to meditate on the Word of God to have success. (Joshua 1:1-9 NKJ)
Our new approach (A.N.A.)
is going to be, instead of indulging in self-pity, think on what God can do to
change a situation. That alone could
keep us busy in wonder! Then see how you can apply that information.
Next, as soon as your mind tries to focus on destructive thoughts, think of a verse that will counteract it with a promise of God’s. This is where your meditation comes into play. Only you know what you are dealing with, so you are the one who has to do the research to meditate on good things and not the negative.
Last, stop living by your situation
and live your revelation! Read
that again …
Stop living by your situation
and live
your revelation!
Mediation will bring
revelation from the Lord in every area if you focus on God and not the problem. In other words, He not me!
Remember, the larger you make Jesus, the smaller your problem seems to
The greatest knowledge revelation I received this week was this (forgive the
lack of correct grammar to make my point):
If I focus on “me” it will
lead to a “mess.” However, if I redirected the mess that “me” made into “meditation” of the Word, there is always a message at the end of the mess.
That being, the mess – age will end. Isn’t that cool?
“May the
words of my mouth and the mediation
of my heart be pleasing to you, O
LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 NLT)
When I meditate on the message,
me is overtaken and becomes small – the least of these (only two little
letters). Then my heart is in the right
place and it pleases the Lord. That’s
bound to bring results.
“What about me?” becomes “What about the message that I’ve meditated
on” concerning the problem. “Me” is
still in there, but it’s a very small part of the Divine plan. That doesn't mean I'm not important, but that God's way will get me to where I want to be and that will certainly make "me" happy.
Message in the Mess
No matter what you may be experiencing, there
is a message in the mess and the outcome will be to bring glory to the Lord. We can see what satan is doing by the mess, but Jesus is Rock over all the ages!
Don’t forget God is doing the invisible that will soon be manifested if you stay in faith.
The Lord is allowing this brief “mess” so you may know and come to trust Him unconditionally. (Study Philippians chapter 3)
It’s all about Jesus and how much He loves you. What about you? God knows all about you and
is working things out for your good.
Meditate on that as you enjoy the goodness of His favor through His
There’s a message in this mess and it’s not about me or you!
It’s all about You Jesus, the center of our focus and MEDITATION.
It's All About You (Jesus)
Until next time, there is favor beyond the mess.
What's New this week: Wow Hits 2014 Deluxe Music Edition
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have this kind of
favor in your life also. Click on the
above tab “Tell Me” for
more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy. A.N.A. logo by J.C.Penney, Inc.
Scripture reference was taken from the New King James Bible Version provide by Gateway Bible
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified.
Image: Woman What about me? Psalm 19:14 My Thoughts More of God Red Booth Good Things It's All about You, Jesus
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